New Years Eve and New Year 2011

Another year over… bring on 2011!!!

Spent the New Years Eve with Efren at the apartment.  Our wives and girlfriends left us for the city to watch the fireworks while we stayed and just hanged-out at the apartment.  Too much people and me don’t mix, I rather have a quiet celebration at home.  It was good though, Me and Efren did our own barbeque, vietnamese style.  It came out ok…

A new bike shop has opened at The Galleries.  So if you are into your fixies or bike gear here is a new place to get it from.

The NYE break also gave us time to do some cleaning and organising in the apartment.  We bought a new Ikea Expedit wall unit to finally get some of this toys/collectibles displayed.  It’s been living in a box for a year now.

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